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  • Jordan Stowe

We had a great Sunday… Nobody did their job.

I know, that sounds a little crazy. Let me explain. 

Each week, like most every church, we have leaders that have a job to do. I preach and lead the overall worship service. Pastor Mike leads the youth and young adult small groups, does the welcome time, prays over offering and leads the intentional impact time. Jacob teaches a church history lesson. Pastor Wade leads the intercessory prayer time. Derek leads the praise and worship. 

This past Sunday most of us didn’t do our jobs. I didn’t preach or lead the service. Pastor Mike did. I did the welcome, offering, and intentional impact times. Derek didn’t lead the worship set. He let Josh and Dillon lead. Mike didn’t teach the youth and young adults. Jacob did. Jacob didn’t teach church history. Andy did. 

Why is this a good thing? It is all a part of the plan. You see, we are dedicated to training, discipling, encouraging, and giving opportunities to upcoming leaders. That means sometimes we don’t get to do our normal jobs because we have someone we are developing that needs the opportunity to do them. 

This Sunday just happened to be a week where a lot of those opportunities came on the same day. As believers in a church body we must dedicate ourselves to the training up of others for ministry. In each of our roles in church, a day will come when we won’t be here. What do we do then? Well, we could put someone without any experience in the role and hope for the best. We could hire someone away from another church with experience to take care of it. 

Or we could have a culture dedicated to training, discipling, encouraging, and giving opportunities to upcoming leaders. Then when a need arises here at Angus (or at another church in need) we have the leaders ready to step up and serve. We often think about what would happen if our churches really committed to this idea. 

What if we developed leaders in our churches ready to serve wherever God leads? 

What if we sent them with open arms to places that need them? 

What if we gave people training and opportunities to serve and grow before they have the job?

It comes at a cost, as all things do, but MAN it is awesome to be a part of! This Sunday I didn’t get to preach. I love to preach. But I was able to give Pastor Mike the pulpit. He is an incredible preacher. We were all blessed. The same goes down the line of our leaders.

We had a great Sunday. Most people didn’t do their jobs… and I can’t wait to see how God will use them in the future!


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