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Ends Don't Justify The Means

I live in America. This is seen as the land of opportunity. Opportunities to gain wealth, fame, and influence. Get a good job. Work your way to the top. 

While many may not admit it, it is pretty widely expected that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get to where you want to go. Yes, sometimes it may hurt others. Sometimes you may have to lie, or do a few semi-questionable things, but the ends justify it. If you can just get to that point where you want to be then things will be better. It’s worth the cost of a few sketchy choices as long as you get there. 

Now, as a Christian this idea immediately makes us go, “No, that’s not okay. It is never okay to make those bad decisions.”

We KNOW what’s right, but is that how we live?

Sometimes we find ourselves in similar situations. We want God’s will for ourselves, for our families. But the path to get there isn’t always the one we want to follow. We want the good paying job so we can provide for our families. We want to be a part of a good, healthy church. 

We want our kids to make the best choices. We want to go to the right school. We want a good marriage. 

But what if God’s path doesn’t line up to ours?

What if we have to lie on our resumes or in the interview a little bit to get that job?

What if we face challenges while in that good church and we want out?

What if our kids don’t seem to listen to our advice and we want to FORCE them to do things?

What if we have to make big sacrifices to get to that school, but they seem too big?

What if our marriage isn’t going how we hoped?

We can worry that we won’t get where we want to go (even in God’s plan). So, we take some steps. We intervene, often in fear. The hope is that even though we did a few wrong things, that it will end okay once we get to the point God wants us to be in the future. Once we get that job. Once we get to that new church. Once we make our kids do what we want. Once we get to that school. Once we get happier in our relationships. Once we get what WE want. 

Then things will be better.

You see, while we may mask things under the desire to END in God’s will, sometimes we look just like the world chasing the American Dream at whatever the cost. 

Here is the problem: You can’t sin your way into God’s will. 

Whatever is the right choice TODAY is what is best for TOMORROW. Being honest, following the Bible, doing what is right WILL bring God’s perfect plan about. Even if we don’t get the job. Even if we have to face difficulties. Even if our kids don’t listen and face troubles. Even if we end up somewhere different than we thought. Even if things are hard. Even if we don’t feel “happy”.

This shows us the root issue. Do we REALLY trust God?

We want to make those decisions we know aren’t really best because we fear we won’t get where we want otherwise. We don’t FULLY trust that God’s perfect will will come if we don’t do something. We think that sometimes we know better than God. 

But the truth is that God’s will is even better for us than our own plan. We can’t sin our way into God’s will because God will NEVER desire for us to sin. 

Wherever God’s Word leads to is BEST for us. Better than we thought. Just what we need. 

So today, tomorrow, or whenever the desire to make that questionable choice, to avoid facing our sin, to make that sacrifice comes, remember that doing what is right TODAY leads to what is best today ,tomorrow, and forever. 

And when you fall short, when you give in to the flesh and fear, know that God didn’t leave you. Turn back to Him. Do what is right. Repent and He WILL be faithful. He WILL care for you. He WILL show grace and mercy. He has promised us so. Hope is not lost.


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